Doodles, Swartz Creek

Vote For Doodles

Doodles was found in a cornfield, where she had learned to find her own food, survive, and hide from humans. Not much is known about Doodles’ life before the cornfield, but once she was caught things started looking up! Doodles was between the age of 1 and 2 years old when she was found, and no one knows how long she was alone for. Not only was she matted, but from her behavior was that she had been fending for herself for quite some time. At first she was very scared, not just of people but of everything. She did not like being picked up, touched by new people or even pet. Cars or new environments also terrified her. Doodles shook every time she was in the car, she panted heavily when there were strangers or new people around, and she ran from humans so that no one was able to try and help her. 3 years later, Doodles has a little (big) brother, Miggy, another rescue dog. They play and walk together, they sleep on the same pillows and share all their meals and toys. 



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