Butters, Picayune

Vote For Butters

This is Butters. He's a sweet boy but as you can see only has one eye his previous owners beat him with a bat causing his eye to come out of socket. Not wanting to take care of him, they then proceeded to throw him over an 8 ft fence at night so it would then be the shelters job to take care of him. After having his eye removed no one wanted Butters because he was different and if he stayed too much longer at the shelter would then have to be put down. When I went to see him, he greeted me with lots off kisses and his favorite toy. He loves sharing his toys with our other animals and his biggest love of all is cuddling up on the couch. This dog doesn't have a mean bone in his body. All he wants is to be everyone's friend and whenever a dog doesn't want to play he will cover his face and cry. I don't understand how anyone would want to hurt him or turn him down just because he only has one eye.



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