Pria , brooklyn

Vote For Pria
I was the saddest I have ever been in my life, living alone in a town where I knew few people. I have always been crazy for animals but at this time I only had a cat .. I then decided that maybe I should adopt an adult dog that needed me as much as I need them. I looked through this huge crowded and chaotic shelter after driving an hour to Brooklyn. The place was scary even for a human. I found one of the "available" dogs was this matted and skiddish tan dog who looked petrified. I coaxed her out of her wet cage and spent more than an hour bonding with her .. she needed me and due to her bad legs I was told exercise was important I took her walking every day. She saved my life .. the walking helped us both so much. She is now the queen of the house and has a little brother doggy and is best buds with the cat .. I am now married with a baby due in 3 weeks.. I firmly believe I never could have had all of these blessings if she didn't give me the joy I so desperately needed



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